Adjust a Color PDF
Color is optimized for scales of 1”=8’ or greater. If the scale you would like to use is less than this, it is recommended to use a scale of 1”=8” or greater then re-scale your drawing because any ‘smaller’ will cause the “blurriness” or pixelation to occur, much like enlarging a photograph.
To re-scale a drawing with a scale less than 1”=8’, you can save the Design drawing file as a separate file specifically for Color by adding “–for Color” at the end of the file name to differentiate it from the original, then re-scale the drawing and create a new presentation in Color. Here are some instructions to help you through this:
Open the original drawing in Design.
Click File > Save As Drawing – add -For Color to the filename.
Change the Copy Toggle, Inference and Constraints to OFF.
Go to the ‘pull-down’ menus, Environment > Drawing Page…, click on the Scale tab, change the Scale to 1”=8’ [1”=10’] and click on OK.
Go to Modes and turn All Layers On.
Open the Edit toolbox and use the “Resizing Objects by Scale Ratio”, setting the Scale value to 4 [5]. For detailed instructions please see the Online-help Design Manual.
Position the drawing into the drawing limits.
Click Color_Ready_Mode and then Save the drawing file.
If you have already started the drawing then you can select Update Presentation in Color.