Printing and Exporting as an Image File

Once your drawing is complete there are a number of options available to you:

  1. Print directly from Color to your printer.

  2. Export to a JPG or Adobe® PDF file to email to a client or send to a print shop for printing.

  3. Export as a PDF file and then print from PDF to your printer.

  4. Export as a PDF file to email to a client or send to a print shop for printing.

Important notes about printing:

  • If you are printing from a computer that does not meet the recommended system requirements you may have difficulty printing larger colored drawings. You may also experience problems exporting as a JPG

  • It is not recommended to print to paper larger than ARCH‐D (24”x36”) size. The print file size may be too large for some printers to handle

  • If you are experiencing problems, choose the smallest paper size that is appropriate for the drawing to reduce the chance of a problem occurring

  • Using the PDF option is always a good alternative for anyone experiencing printing problem

  • Always save your drawing before printing or exporting as a JPG.