Quick Reference

The File Menu


For opening a new Design drawing for coloring

Open Presentation

For opening a presentation that has been saved in Color

Save Presentation

For saving the current presentation in Color

Save Presentation As

For saving the current presentation in Color as a new name

Update Presentation

For updating changes made to the Design drawing (NEW for v2.0)

Pack Presentation

For saving a presentation along with all the color swatches and any rasters

used in the presentation in order for it to be opened in a version Color that

may not have all the same swatches

Unpack Presentation

For unpacking a presentation that has been packed with all the color swatches

and rasters


Adobe PDF: For saving the presentation as a PDF file at a resolution suitable

for printing. The original sheet size is maintained.

Email Resolution Image: For saving the presentation as a JPEG to a size

suitable for emailing to a client for review. The size and resolution is reduced.

Print Resolution Image: For saving the presentation as a JPEG at a resolution

suitable for printing. The original sheet size is maintained.


For sending a presentation to a printer or PDF writer


Closes Color

The Edit Menu


For undoing the last command(s)


For redoing the last command(s)

The View Menu


Opens the Options panel for the default settings for swatches, shadows, printing

and performance

The Tools Menu

Style Editor

Opens the Style Editor tool for modifying and creating new styles, categories

and swatches

The Help Menu


For viewing your version number of Color

Welcome Screen

Opens the Welcome Screen giving access to the Color introductory videos