Plant Schedule

If your Plant Schedule is not correct, this is likely because the Key Code of the some of the plants are exactly the same other plants on the drawing, so you will need to manually change the keycode in order to correct this.

When making a Plant Schedule the plants key codes are used for the count and name, even if you do not use keyed labeling it is still used in the background, so if the plants have the same key code on the drawing, you will have to edit the key code to make it unique.  The key code is generated from the Botanical names, using the first letter from each word.

To manually change the Keycode of the plants so that they unique for the Plant Schedule please follow these instructions:

  1. Press [CTRL] + Left-Click on each of the Softscape Labels that you are going to change (eg. The plants that are not counting properly).

  2. Go to the Properties Tab.

  3. Scroll down to Key Code.

  4. Double Left-Click on the Key Code.

  5. Type in a different Key code (eg. for example Hosta with keycod – HOS).

  6. Click OK on the “Edit Property” Window.

  7. Click OK on the “Edit Entity Attributes” Window – the CLI will show you the updates to the label properties.

To change the key codes for future uses, you can find detailed instructions with screen captures in the Online-help Design Manual, section entitled How to Use Keyed Labeling – pay special attention to Step 2 – this key code will be used every time you use the plant in future drawings OR you can edit the plant list and change the Key Code to make them unique.