Why can’t I see or use my tools or sheet sizes?

This is due to Parallels' configuration settings.

This happens because Parallels has a shared folders feature that shares the Documents folder between your Mac environment and the Windows environment.

We recommend disabling sharing of the Documents folder between the Mac and Windows partitions since that's where the DynaSCAPEDS folder is stored.
To do this, please carefully follow the steps in this link. 
You can configure what folders will be shared with Windows in the virtual machine's configuration settings > Options tab > Sharing > Configure... ( You can also get here by right clicking on the Parallel's icon and go to Control Center -> Settings icon that looks like a gear )
Under the sharing tab, select what folders you want to disable sharing, uncheck the box for documents to disable the sharing. 

It should look something similar to this. The screenshot may look slightly different depending on your version but it should still be under the Sharing section on the side panel.
You can either disable sharing completely or uncheck just the Documents when prompted which ones to keep or disable ( See screenshots in the link )
After that, open DynaScape Design again and it should be back to normal.